Water main break causes dirty water for parts of the Johnstown area

October 2024 · 1 minute read

According to the Highland Sewer and Water Authority, a water main break on Tuesday is causing dirty water in parts of the Johnstown area.

The areas affected are Geistown and Richland.

According to staff with HSWA, the water main break occurred in Beaverdale Tuesday afternoon, but has since been isolated.

HSWA said a change of flow caused the dirty water. Crews are currently flushing the system and hope to have the problem fixed by the end of the day on Wednesday. According to HSWA, they are working with the Department of Environmental Protection and are following all protocols.

Staff from HSWA told 6 News that residents experiencing dirty water should let their water run for a few minutes until clear. If it does not clear, they advise trying again after an hour.

HSWA said the water is not contaminated.
