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Worn Spark Plugs
You already know that spark plugs wear out. Well, “burn up” is more like it, because when a spark jumps the gap between two electrodes, it actually burns off (erodes) minute amounts of metal from each one. Over time, the gap grows to the point where the spark can no longer make the jump. That’s when you get misfires, poor gas mileage, lousy acceleration and, ultimately, the dreaded “Check Engine” light. Change your spark plugs yourself to maintain peak performance and high gas mileage. In most cases and with a few of the right tools, it’s a simple job.
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Chipped Paint
Roads can be rough on your car’s paint job! Small scratches and chips are unavoidable over time, and it’s important to remove and repair flakes, chips, dents, dings and scratches on your car’s finish before the rust sets in. It takes just a few minutes of your time over a few days. These great auto painting tips and techniques will show you how to touch-up those little eyesores and take years off the look of your car.
Next: learn how to recharge your car’s air conditioner.