Local organization in need of prom dress donations

May 2024 · 2 minute read

In just a few months, students everywhere will experience what many call one of their most memorable nights of high school; the prom.

Now, students are planning who they're going with and what they'll be wearing. Over the years, the dance has become costly for girls in search of a dress.

The Cinderella Project in Johnstown has been giving girls throughout the region free prom dresses for over a decade. But they need some extra help this year to make sure every girl can get the dress of their dreams.

All the dresses given out come from donations from the community. Sherri Rea, a volunteer with the organization, says they're in need of larger-sized dresses. Rea says they have racks of smaller sizes, but larger sizes are hard to come by.

"That is not a common donation, but do have young women who need sizes 16, 18 and up. So if people have dresses in those sizes, that's great. If not, they can make financial contributions to the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, so we can purchase those dresses for those girls," said Rea.

Rea says donations can be dropped off at the Johnstown YWCA during their normal hours.

Any girl throughout the region is welcome to get a dress from the Cinderella Project. Rea says all they need is their student ID. No proof of income is required.

"When you see a girl who comes in and kind of has that defeated look like, 'There's not going to be anything here for me,' and then they're not only choosing from one dress, but multiple dresses that they like, that is very gratifying to see; that look on their face and to see when they put on the dress," said Rea.

Try-on days for the dresses this year will be held at the Johnstown YWCA on March 14th and 21st from noon until 3 p.m.

In addition to giving girls a free dress, Rea says they're also going to be giving them hygiene products they may need like shampoo or body wash. Donations of hygiene products can also be dropped off at the Johnstown YWCA
